Who Are These Courses Taught By?
Free workshops are taught by highly experienced Yoga Alliance Professionals members (Trainer Pros & Approved Coaches) or by topic experts with a proven track record in their field.
Does This Count Towards CPD?
These taster events may help you choose longer related courses which will count towards your training hours.
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Working with Chronic Pain
Course4.9 average rating (10 reviews)With Katrin Heuser - We can help people change the narrative of the stories that dictate their lives, from a story of pain to a story of health. Let's understand different types of pain.
Yoga Postnatally
Course4.9 average rating (7 reviews)with Amy Jones - In this training, we will explore common postpartum conditions and how we can use yoga to help women reclaim and re-discover their bodies after growing a baby.
The practicalities of developing a regular meditation practice
Course4.8 average rating (5 reviews)With Swami Saradananda - Swami discusses some of the common obstacles to meditation, and how they might be overcome. She invites you to create a conducive environment for meditation – a peaceful place where you will not be disturbed
Moonology: How to Incorporate the Moon into your Practice
Course4.7 average rating (18 reviews)With Louisa Craig - This short lecture will help you understand the moon phases and how they affect us, and will give guidance on how to incorporate the moon into your yoga practice and life.
The Essentials Of Yoga For Pregnancy
Course4.8 average rating (16 reviews)with Tara Lee - An introduction to pregnancy yoga, the fundamentals
Language Of The Body
Course5.0 average rating (9 reviews)With Katrin Heuser - We explore the principles of yielding and structural support, why we work with the breath, including a sequence to encourage a more diaphragmatic breath, plus Resourcing tools for our students.