Who Are These Courses Taught By?
Free workshops are taught by highly experienced Yoga Alliance Professionals members (Trainer Pros & Approved Coaches) or by topic experts with a proven track record in their field.
Does This Count Towards CPD?
These taster events may help you choose longer related courses which will count towards your training hours.
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Please make sure you are not using your login details to your Yoga Alliance Professionals profile. The two platforms are not connected, you will have a separate account to complete Online Workshops If you're still having trouble, get in touch on [email protected]
Yoga for anxiety - 7 tips to support your students
Course4.6 average rating (5 reviews)Whether you want to offer classes specifically for anxiety, or simply support yourself & others to find more ease, this taster provides so initial strategies and tips using proven methods from across the yoga & mindfulness spectrum that shift anxiety
Yin and Hyper-mobility
Course5.0 average rating (4 reviews)Should Yin-yoga be all passive stretching? Is passive stretching bad? Why are there various opinions on this subject?
Teaching Clinic October 2022
Sitting Comfortably for Meditation 1
Course5.0 average rating (1 review)Simple stretches to stop your chest from collapsing so that you can sit more comfortably in meditation
Yoga for Runners - pre-run foot stability
Course5.0 average rating (1 review)This taster gives you an insight to the way we incorporate self massage & yoga techniques to help our runners get more from their running. Connection of the big toe on the ground is an intrinsic part of efficient running gait.
Healing Touch with the Acupressure Hand Movements
Course5.0 average rating (4 reviews)In this taster, you'll learn the Acupressure Hand Movements: a versatile series of movements that you can use for yourself or with your students. They can warm the hands, stimulate circulation, and offer a method of self-healing through touch.