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Free workshops are taught by highly experienced Yoga Alliance Professionals members (Trainer Pros & Approved Coaches) or by topic experts with a proven track record in their field.
Does This Count Towards CPD?
These taster events may help you choose longer related courses which will count towards your training hours.
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Course4.5 average rating (2 reviews)Blend the practices of Yin and flowing Qi Gong together using common health and wellness themes. Activate the flow of energy in the body to nourish, cultivate wellness and health. Being your transformational journey to add creativity to your Yoga cla
Building Breath Awareness
Course4.8 average rating (6 reviews)Simple practices for building breath awareness
Hand Reflexology
Course5.0 average rating (5 reviews)In this video Elaine, teaches you simple hand reflexology techniques
Learn to Lead Kirtan
Course4.8 average rating (6 reviews)Open and maintain your voice to lead kirtan and mantras
Overcoming Obstacles and Challenges
Course4.6 average rating (5 reviews)Where do our mindsets and beliefs come from? How do we deal with change? How do we start creating good habits, have effective accountability and set goals that are congruent to our inner values?
The Bandhas - Unlocking the power of the vagus nerve
Course4.8 average rating (9 reviews)We explore the traditional use of the bandhas as a physical technique and as a tool for pranayama; alongside a more current investigation of the bandhas as a way to manage the nervous system through the vagus nerve.