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Free workshops are taught by highly experienced Yoga Alliance Professionals members (Trainer Pros & Approved Coaches) or by topic experts with a proven track record in their field.
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These taster events may help you choose longer related courses which will count towards your training hours.
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Yoga Nidra: Healing or Harmful?
Course5.0 average rating (4 reviews)Explore the reputed benefits of yoga nidra from the three main schools, and how to prevent yoga nidra from being harmful.
Yoga for pregnancy, the key principle of stability
Course5.0 average rating (1 review)In this short training you will learn a little about why stability is so important in yoga for pregnancy and how to give your pregnant students a safe enjoyable asana practice that will serve them to help them feel grounded.
The Art of Creating Clear and Creative Copy to Attract Your Ideal Student
Course4.7 average rating (3 reviews)Have you ever stared at a blank page just willing some copy about your yoga class to appear? Join Jo Hutton as she goes through some of the common pitfalls that yoga teachers make when writing about their classes.
Awareness Meditation
Course4.7 average rating (3 reviews)Experience Awareness Meditation , Experience YOU
Introduction to Mudras
Course4.9 average rating (21 reviews)Join Swami Saradananda, author of the best-selling book “Mudras for Modern Life”, introduces ways to use your hands to channel energy for self-healing and inner peace. Mudras are hand gestures that seal prana into specific channels within the subtle
Why Chant In Class
Course4.5 average rating (2 reviews)Bring in another level of knowledge to your yoga classes by incorporating a simple chant to students. What does chanting bring to the practise and how can you deliver a simple mantra in a short succinct way?