Women's Hormonal Lifecycle

Menarche to Menopause

Covering the child-bearing years of a woman’s life: Menarche to Menopause, this taster will provide you with the knowledge and confidence to teach yoga to women wherever they are in their cycle. You will understand the shifts in physical ability, energies and emotions. Whether you teach clients regularly on a 1-1 basis, or within group settings, you will know how you can educate them to adapt their practice to honour their cycle.

Course curriculum

    1. Yoga to honour a woman's menstrual cycle

About this course

  • Free
  • 1 lesson
  • 0 hours of video content



Approved Mentor

Yoga has been interwoven into Kelsey’s life for more than 2 decades. Kelsey Taylor started practicing yoga whilst at University and Kelsey has been teaching yoga since 2013. With an initial passion for practising and teaching Hatha and Vinyasa, Kelsey soon realised that everyone that comes to a mat has different needs and reasons for being there. In her quest to support those that practice with her, she has undertaken further training with Sally Parkes to deepen her knowledge of women’s well-being. She now is certified to teach Pregnancy, advanced Post-natal and Fertility. Kelsey is also an accredited Menopause Yoga Teacher after completing her training with Petra Coveney. Kelsey’s personal practice was naturally drawn to a softer practice in 2018 and she discovered it was Yin like and she started to explore how stillness rather than movement effects our health. Kelsey has trained and completed Continuous Personal Development with Paul Grilley and has undertaken Insight Yoga Primary Level teacher training with Sarah Power and Bernie Clark to advance her Yin knowledge. Having two children, Kelsey understands how the family unit benefits from yoga. Kelsey has undertaken various Children’s yoga and physical activities training. Kelsey's latest Children's yoga course was with Yogamoo. Kelsey has completed studies for yoga for Children with ADHD and Autism with Special Yoga. Kelsey has taught Children’s and Family yoga in schools and studios and the UK and Norway. Since graduating in 2014 Kelsey has taught in studios, gyms, schools, and businesses, ran her own private classes, owned her own studio and taught for Scandinavian largest fitness group SATS. Kelsey has recently completed a Level 2 Mental Health awareness course and she is currently a student of Red School's Menstruality Leadership Course, to deepen her knowledge of the power of the menstrual/moon cycle. Kelsey loves to expand her knowledge about the body and mind and enjoys reading, classes herself as a lifelong learner and loves weaving her new knowledge into her practices so others can learn and support themselves too.