Yoga & Essentail Oils

Essential Oils and Yoga make perfect partners. In this lesson you'll learn the simplicity and power of aligning Essential Oils with your Yoga teaching. You'll receive an introduction to the theory, science and art of using Essential Oils in Yoga Classes. You'll learn six benefits of teaching Yoga with Essential Oils and leave feeling empowered to add this practice into your Classes to amplify the experience of your students.

Course curriculum

    1. Aligning Essential Oils with your Yoga teaching

About this course

  • Free
  • 1 lesson
  • 0.5 hours of video content



EYT, Approved Development Workshops

Amelia is a Mother to two teenage girls, a Yoga & Meditation Teacher, an Aromatherapist & Reiki practitioner. Amelia has a longstanding practice of both Yoga and Meditation, within the spiritual roots of Tibetan Buddhism. Amelia combines disciplines of Hatha, Flow, Katonah, Restorative and Yin Yoga practices in her classes having studied and taught in all these traditions. Amelia was one of the first yoga teachers in London and the UK who combined Yoga and Essential Oils to create an experience of Aromayoga. Amelia sensed that the oils take the students into a relaxed and receptive state very quickly, acting as a catalyst to take the student inwards, facilitating a deeper connection. Amelia teaches the art and science of Aromatherapy combined with Yoga as a pathway to relaxation and empowered health.As a certified Aromatherapist, Amelia has created a unique experience of Aromayoga finding that Essential Oils and Yoga provide a deeply healing partnership. Essential Oils offer an opportunity of inner connection and amplify the relaxation process within the Yoga setting.Amelia can also offer Aromatherapy introductions, outside of the Yoga setting, or next level conversations and group facilitations, Programs, both in person and online about Essential Oils and the ability to reduce stress, manage anxiety and improve Sleep and many more issues.Amelia has a passion for self-care as a non-negotiable tool not only to survive, but to thrive in our modern world.Amelia prioritises Yoga, Meditation, Reiki and Aromatherapy as practices that offer doorways to spaciousness and stillness in the body, heart and mind.