About The Course

This course is based on the manual 'the art of adjusting' which was created during a series of teacher training courses over many years. An important part of the course is showing how adjustments can be carried out both safely and effectively. There is no doubt in my experience that adjustments used with the correct technique and in the correct setting can be an extremely effective way of increasing a student's awareness of the asana. If you are new to adjusting, or want to fine tune your existing knowledge, this online course is a great introduction.

Course Curriculum

There are 4 chapters and a total of 20 lessons

    1. Chaturanga Dandasana

    2. Adho Mukha Svanasana

    1. Padangusthasana

    2. Trikonasana

    3. Paravritta Trikonasana

    4. Padottanasana

    5. Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana

    6. Utkatasana

    7. Virabhadrasana 1

    1. Dandasana

    2. Paschimottanasana

    3. Purvottanasana

    4. Triang Mukhaikapada Paschimottanasan

    5. Janu Sirsasana 1

    6. Marichyasana A

    7. Marichyasana C

    8. Navasana

    9. Bakasana

    10. Baddha Konasana

    1. Backbends

About this course

  • £197.00
  • 20 lessons
  • 1.5 hours of video content

What Others Had To Say

5 star rating

Very informative

Angela Dipalo

very informative, clear instructions, clear videos. It really gives me more confidence in the adjustment on myself and the others. Strongly advice to buy also the book!!

very informative, clear instructions, clear videos. It really gives me more confidence in the adjustment on myself and the others. Strongly advice to buy also the book!!

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4 star rating

Title says everything, top!

Doris Kunert

well structured and helpful

well structured and helpful

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5 star rating

The Art of Adjusting

Diane Jess

Very good. Brian delivers this in such a gentle but knowledgeable style. A pleasure to watch. Wish all training was as enjoyable!

Very good. Brian delivers this in such a gentle but knowledgeable style. A pleasure to watch. Wish all training was as enjoyable!

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5 star rating

Thorough and Interesting

Eileen Milne

Thank you, I got a lot out of this and is far easier to watch the videos and get the points than it is to follow a text book

Thank you, I got a lot out of this and is far easier to watch the videos and get the points than it is to follow a text book

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5 star rating


Margaret Fox



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5 star rating

Very informative

Angela Dipalo

very informative, clear instructions, clear videos. It really gives me more confidence in the adjustment on myself and the others. Strongly advice to buy also the book!!

very informative, clear instructions, clear videos. It really gives me more confidence in the adjustment on myself and the others. Strongly advice to buy also the book!!

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The Instructor


Senior Yoga Teacher

Brian has been practicing Ashtanga yoga for many years, and experienced the power of adjusting given by skilful and experienced teachers. For many years he taught Thai Massage and used its methods in his teacher training courses to refine how to adjust safely and effectively. This course in adjusting is the coming together of his ashtanga practice and his knowledge of Thai Massage. This course should be seen as a guide to starting your own adjusting practice and to develop observational skills, intuition and safe application.