Learn how to develop your space holding skills, so that you can create brave spaces where people feel comfortable sharing from the heart.

Whether you’d like to bring in sharing circles to your workshops or retreats, or create dedicated women’s circles…this tutorial offers tips on how to create an environment in your sharing circles which encourage confident sharing from your group. You will learn what you can do as facilitator to hold the space in a women’s circle – which has a slightly different focus to ‘teaching’ a group.

Course curriculum

    1. Women's Circles: 5 Tips to increase confidence in circles

About this course

  • Free
  • 1 lesson
  • 0 hours of video content



Senior Yoga Teacher, TrainerPRO

Anna Brook is the founder of Shala Women and the creator of the Women's Circle Training. She is a Senior Teacher (Women's Wellness Yoga Therapist), Breathwork Coach & Ceremonialist. With 13 years experience teaching and a 20+ year interest in ritual, holistic practice and yoga - her training weaves together a rich variety of influences and was created for yoga teachers.