Yoga For Fertility

An understanding of why there is a growing need for fertility yoga teachers and why yoga for fertility is different than a normal yoga practice.

This Yapta taster is for anyone interested in becoming a yoga for fertility teacher. I set out the 5 guiding principles of yoga for fertility and why a yoga practice for your fertility focused student looks different than her regular practice. I believe there is a growing need for fertility yoga teachers and that this specialist teaching should be as widely available for students as a prenatal class.

Course curriculum

    1. Video

About this course

  • Free
  • 1 lesson
  • 0.5 hours of video content




As a dedicated and compassionate yoga for fertility instructor, my purpose is to support women on their unique journey towards motherhood. I understand the physical, emotional, and spiritual challenges that come with fertility issues, having experienced my own fertility issues with my second baby and I approach my classes and this work with sensitivity and empathy. Since completing my own fertility yoga teacher training, I have seen the need for more fertility yoga classes and therefore teachers, grow and grow. Unfortunately, infertility is still an issue where women largely suffer in silence and isolation. Yoga provides such a lifeline for dealing and healing, if fertility issues arise, but yoga also provides women with an incredible tool to preserve, enhance or restore their fertility when guided by a skilled and compassionate yoga instructor.