Who Are These Courses Taught By?
Free workshops are taught by highly experienced Yoga Alliance Professionals members (Trainer Pros & Approved Coaches) or by topic experts with a proven track record in their field.
Does This Count Towards CPD?
These taster events may help you choose longer related courses which will count towards your training hours.
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Please make sure you are not using your login details to your Yoga Alliance Professionals profile. The two platforms are not connected, you will have a separate account to complete Online Workshops If you're still having trouble, get in touch on [email protected]
Teaching Clinic September 2022
Course5.0 average rating (2 reviews)Free
Pregnancy Yoga Training: Warrior II Excerpt
CourseTeaching pregnant students to explore their dualities of softness and strength with safe cues, gems of knowledge and empowering language.
Business Clinic September 2022
Course5.0 average rating (2 reviews)Free
Adapting Asana for Prenatal Students in Regular Yoga Classes
Course5.0 average rating (1 review)This workshop is designed for yoga teachers without a prenatal certification who want to learn more about the anatomy and physiology of pregnancy and what every yoga teacher should know to offer informed, safe yoga instruction for pregnant students
Menopause Yoga Taster Part 1
Course4.5 average rating (4 reviews)A mini Menopause Yoga class for cooling hot flushes
3 Tips for Strength & Space in Urdhva Dhanurasana
Course5.0 average rating (6 reviews)This short video will give you a few new ideas on how to transition into Urdhva Dhanurasana from lying down. It will help you to develop patterns of strength between the shoulders and the hip joint.