What Others Think!

5 star rating

Good cues for this asana

Gina Clements

Great cues especially for yoga students who may have done this asana many times but have forgotten the energy involved in engaging relevant muscles

Great cues especially for yoga students who may have done this asana many times but have forgotten the energy involved in engaging relevant muscles

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4 star rating


Martina Kelly



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5 star rating


julie street

More insight into a variation of Trikonasana

More insight into a variation of Trikonasana

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3 star rating


Martina Kelly



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About This Partnership

Sustainability is at the core.

Yoga Alliance Professionals is keen to highlight that, with the right teacher, yoga is a practice for life. Yet the same cannot be said for the majority of yoga clothing on the market. Each year, an estimated 92 million tonnes of textile waste is created by the fashion industry. Despite the yogic value to “do no harm”, the profitable production line of yoga garments, mats, and props is not exempt from this damaging waste. The UK’s largest accreditation body for yoga teachers is now taking a stance against this, partnering with Bamboo to address a critical climate issue. Using the video series to promote the use of eco-conscious, long-lasting fabrics as a performance material to thousands of yoga teachers, Yoga Alliance Professionals is endorsing Bamboo’s clothing as an effective option for all yoga practitioners.